“The ideas, views, opinions, attitudes, conceptions or insinuations, both explicit and implicit, contained herein may or may not be those of the International Post-Dogmatist Group as a whole or any of its constituent members, associates, affiliates, subsidiaries or institutions.”

Membership Orientation
Welcome fellow Post-Dogmatist! The Post-Dogmatist world just became a little more interesting now that you are here. I and others will be looking forward to working with you. To influence and to be influenced by you.
This page has been set up to provide additional information and instructions.
First off grab a copy of the Standard Disclaimer (left) and put it on your pages somewhere and use it freely where ever a disclaimer can go: the sig file on your email, the back of your paintings, tattoo it on your butt, whatever. Also, help yourself to any of the logos on this page to put on your web site and to link to other IPDG pages such as the Ontological Museum,, etc. If you would like to develop more logos for members to use, send them in! I’ll post them here for downloading.
If you have sent something to the Ontological Museum Archives feel free to use the museum logo with a link to your work in the collection or to the main site page or donation page.
Secondly, understand that the IPDG is first and fore most a ‘virtual organization’ for independent thinkers, for those who normally would have nothing to do with organizations, a facade, a stage set. Nobody is going to hold your hand (except your boy/girl friend). Nobody is going to lead the way. Expect nothing, and you will never be disappointed with any of the other members. Assume that the existence of Post-Dogmatism depends completely on your creating it. Now that your a member, whatever you do defines it to some degree and yet you can take relief in the fact that it remains forever indefinable.
Post-Dogmatism is a platform for you to stand on and to speak from. It is a giant global art project to participate in. It is a context to respond to and create from. It is an inner search for the One True Dogma, a spiritual exploration of Reality versus belief. For the deep questions, there are no instructions and as many answers as members. What each of us gives to the group at large is the degree that the group is a benefit to us all. The IPDG is exclusive only in the sense that people may exclude them selves from it. Otherwise the entire population is regarded as a pool of potential members who are already a part of Post-Dogmatism but just are unaware of it. It is an experiment in group freedom and creative empowerment while striving toward tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation (up to a limit). Independent with a recognition of interdependence.
Grab some member logos

Won’t you sign up and become a member? We need and are grateful for your support!
We have 4 annual membership options listed…
- $5.00 a month keeps us on life support
- $10.00 a month shows some dedication
- $25.00 a month helps us keep going
- $50.00 per month let’s us plan for the future